LIFE + OZON Project
The Groenendaal Ecoduct and other defragmentation measures (ecotunnels, fauna tubes and ecoraster) in the Sonian Forest were realised as part of the Life+ OZON project. The project ran from July 2013 to June 2018. The European structural fund Life+ provided financial support (3.3 million euros) on a total budget of around 11 million euros.
The project was a collaboration and co-financing between Agentschap Natuur & Bos, Agentschap Wegen & Verkeer, Departement Omgeving van de Vlaamse Overheid and Leefmilieu Brussel. The municipalities of Hoeilaart, Overijse and Tervuren also provided part of the funding. The Département de la Nature et des Forêts (Wallonia), the United Nations Environment Programme and the municipality of Sint-Genesius Rode symbolically support the project.
Click here for more information on the realisations within this project.